Saturday, July 25, 2009

the double msg

ok lets talk mobile phones.

You have msgd a girl u like and u really want a reply... it doesnt come. What do u do now?

This is what maybe going through your mind:
for some unkown reason she didnt get the msg, shes got no credit, she didnt know what to write back, pretty much your mind is trying to make you beleive there is some kind of mistake and that u must send the infamous double msg!

now its hard to know why this happens to all males, but this thought process is way to common. The logic of "shes got the msg and didnt write back casue she not keen" never really gets through.

So what do u do now? u send the double msg! (a 2nd msg after the first msg was not replied to) which is an offence myself and most men are guilty of. When that double msg is sent and your realise a few hours later what has happened u may want to lock yourself in your room and listen to bands such as "the used" and "saves the day". If your crazy enough u may even throw out a triple or quad msg which is just out of control.